Registration for participation at MIE2023
All prices in SEK without VAT. actual exchange rate use: Currency Exchange Rates – International Money Transfer | Xe
General Information
The link below will take you to a different registration website that is secure for online payments by card.
Any presentation accepted in the program requires to have at least one author registered to the conference. Multiple presentations
require one distinct registration per each accepted submission. Disrespect of this usual EFMI/MIE rule will lead to cancellation.

From February 1st to March 31st 2023 From April 1st 2023
EFMI Members 5 900 SEK 6 900 SEK
EFMI Non-Members 6 900 SEK 7 900 SEK
Gala dinner May 24, 1150 SEK book when you register.
Students* presenting For promotional code Mail to: [email protected]
Students * & Clinical staff “non-authors” For promotional code Mail to: [email protected]
Clinical staff meaning that you are working 100 % with patients, no affiliation to Academy or industry-
price will then be 4000 SEK ex VAT with promotional code
Exhibition only for accompanying person 595 SEK ( Can be waived) ask for ticket from [email protected]
SFMI members contact [email protected]
EFMI MEMBERSHIP: EFMI membership requires a member of one of the national medical informatics or one of
the organisations that are members of EFMI. There is no individual membership.
Students* need proof of status to obtain the correct promotional code
(Presenter or non-presenter) sent to [email protected]
A link will take you to a separate registration website
which is secure to make online payments by card.
A link will take you to, a separate registration website which
s secure to make online payments by card.